The Enrollment Process:
- Telephone Interview – I am currently accepting telephone calls daily from parents looking for care. I am extremely busy during the daycare hours so if I do not answer, leave a message and I will return your call ASAP. During the telephone interview, I will answer most questions. Parents are usually interested in hours, rates, openings, etc. I will ask similar questions, such as the age of the child, previous childcare arrangements, developmental milestones, etc. During this interview, we will set up a time for an in-person interview where the parent can come to my home with the child and see my environment.
- In-Person Interview with Parent and Child – I will discuss my policies in detail and answer any daycare related questions. We will discuss your child’s specific needs and review paperwork for my program. Please bring your child with you so he/she can meet me, and I he/she. During the interview you will receive a copy of my References and other information to help you make a decision. You may request a copy of my Parent Handbook before the interview to prepare your questions. Afterward, I will look to hear from you within 48 hours. If you want the space, be prepared to wait until all of my scheduled interviews have taken place before a decision is made to fill the space. If you do not want the space, that is fine, but I would appreciate a call either way. If for any reason you cannot make your scheduled interview, please call to cancel to reschedule. I will offer the same courtesy. If an interview is not canceled and the parent fails to show up, another interview will not be granted.
- Applying – In order for your child to be offered a space in my care, please complete and submit the Pre-Enrollment application immediately. An Enrollment Fee will be due if your child/ren is accepted. Please no checks, all payments or done electronically using ACH or Credit/Debit Cards.
- Acceptance – Upon receipt of the Enrollment form, I will email you an Enrollment Acceptance, along with the current Parent Handbook and other required forms. Payment must begin on the date listed on the Enrollment Acceptance form regardless of your child’s attendance.
- Complete Your Enrollment – Enrollment is completed by submitting the remaining forms and the first week’s payment along with all fees owed. Be sure to take time to read through and become familiar with the program policies contained in the Parent Handbook before your child’s first day of attendance.
- First Day of Care – A child’s first day of care is often times difficult. The parent is asked not to delay leaving because it makes it more difficult for the child. More times than not, children are fine after the parent is out of their sight. The parent may call, text, or email to check on the child during the day using our Brightwheel communication tool.